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China's Real Estate Unravels

Blog by Patrick O'Donnell PREC* | August 27th, 2012


A great blog, certainly worth visiting in order to understand the various attitudes of each nation and the wealth of each.  The customs and desires of the Chinese are also discussed at length and this is something that we as Westerners would be well served to understand as the Chinese market continues to be a large part of our market here on the North Shore.

It is also interesting how we in the West are very quick to print all our deepest fears about the market, about the numbers of sales, the prices and the various trends. While we have a feeling that the Chinese market has slowed, you are going to be hard pushed to find the same verbal diarrhea from their Government, press of business people predicting that the sky is falling.  I am certainly not saying that we would be better off being less informed, but the gallop to panic could certainly be slowed. 

For more information on what makes the North Shore 'tick' do not hesitate to give me a ring, I will be happy to help in any way.